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Monadnock Food Co-op Cooperative Community Fund

2017 Patronage Match (Pat Match) Results

Monadnock Food Co-op Cooperative Community Fund (MCCF)

 2017 Patronage Match (Pat Match) Results

Patronage Refunded to 1,884 Members 


Member Donations Elected


Member Donations Exercising Default Option


Total Donations from Patronage Refund


Monadnock Food Co-op Pat Match


Equal Exchange, Pat Match TPCF

Frontier Co-op,    Pat Match TPCF

Organic Valley,   Pat Match TPCF




Total Pat Match to Monadnock CCF


Of those rebates 247 members donated their patronage and 889 chose not to collect their patronage knowing that it would be donated to their MCCF. Some of those members of course just forgot. In all, 1,136 members (60.3%) donated or opted to leave in 41% of the patronage refund to their MCCF.  

All MFC members had been notified that of their patronage refund whatever they donated or did not redeem would be Challenge Matched up to $6,000 (MFC $3,000 + TPCF $3,000). So MFC members donated $11,924, almost twice the amount of the $6,000 Challenge Match.

 What a great start to the Monadnock Cooperative Community Fund. In just over a year the MCCF has gone from zero dollars to almost $29,000 and gained $8,000 in matches from other co-ops. Cabot Creamery, Equal Exchange, Frontier Co-op, OrganicValley, NCG and Capital Impact - jointly gave a $5,000 matching Founder Match donation.  Equal Exchange, Frontier Co-op and OrganicValley also jointly donated a $3,000 Challenge Match to the Patronage Refund Match.

 Pat Match is surely Cooperation among Cooperatives.

Congratulations from all of us at the Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation and from our sponsor co-ops who matched the generosity of MFC members and the Monadnock Food Co-op, June 2017. Here’s to the twin goals of building community and developing cooperatives.